(no subject)

Dec 28, 2006 01:16

I can't remember if I mentioned this but...I got TIVO!!!! (Sorry I have to brag here.) My brother, of all people, actually got it for me. It was a total surprise. It's the best gift anyone has ever given me. (Well except my car, which my rents were kind enough to pay off at my college graduation.) I was so shocked he got it, because usually he just gets me a sweater or a gift card. I had mentioned Tivo earlier in the year, but I never really expected to get it because of the cost. Normally you need a satellite for it, but my brother was nice enough to splurge and get me the wireless Tivo. I honestly still cannot believe it. I don't think I can tell him enough how much I appreciate this gift. Tivo is the best thing ever and if you're a big tv junkie like me, it's worth every penny. :-)

I did not get a lot for Christmas this year. I mainly just got the Tivo and a new dresser for my bedroom. That was all I had really asked for and they were two expensive items so it's in all fairness. :-)
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