(no subject)

Jul 08, 2006 00:35

First of all congrats to Porter who just recently got engaged! We are all so happy for you!!!

What is up with everyone getting engaged all at once? I don't get it. One day we're all single or we just have our boyfriends, and then it's like boom! Geez. I just keep telling myself for half the people that are engaged there's another half of us that aren't. (More power to us single women! :-) It takes strength to be single because you still have to have the courage to believe in yourself even when you don't have a man by your side.

While of course I really want to be engaged and get married and start a family, I have so much I want to do with my life before I get married. I'm only 25 and you have your whole life to be married. I want to be able to have job flexibility when I first start applying to jobs as well. I don't want to have worry about where my husband and kids are, I want to be able to move where the job is. So maybe, there is a reason why God hasn't had me find "the one" yet. Is there really such thing as "the one" these days? The whole idea of marriage is more unrealistic than ever. With infedility and other issues leading to divorce, it makes me want to think very carefully about marriage. After all, I would rather be single forever than be divorced. (Which is what 50% of couples end up doing anyway.) Anywho, sorry to end on a negative note. :-P I'm off to bed...enough rambling for one night.
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