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Elizabeth Genco. You can comment here or
It’s that time of year again, the time where New York City jumps straight from winter to summer with no spring in between. I’m fine with it. Husband can’t stand the heat. Still, he does look on the bright side…
Leland: Y’know what we’re entering into, don’t you?
Me: Summer?
Leland: Bubble tea season.
Seriouslytho, can it be that we’re almost in MAY of 2009 already? It hardly seems possible. Being that it’s almost May, that means one thing:
The Readers Studio is almost here! I’ll be sharing the fundamentals of my
8-step marketing & business-building system for spirited solo professionals again this year, and I’ll also share details of a very special teleclass series that I’m putting together for Readers Studio peeps ONLY.
I’m looking forward to immersing myself in Tarot for three days straight; between my business exploding and typing this script as fast as I can, the in-depth rolling-the-bones that’s a usual part of my daily life has fallen out of my daily life somewhat. (Must shift that.) It’s also significant as The Readers Studio marks the 1-year anniversary of
Marketing Goddess. Someone pinch me!
Speaking of goddesses, caught the
Worshiping Women exhibition at the Onassis Cultural Center over on 51st & 5th. Stunning. Story mind racing. (Not a bad thing, as the Tor.com script is due, like, now.)
I know this is a short one. Artemis is a-callin’.