Now, almost sort of piggybacking on the previous of the coolest parts of DMB is the fact that in place of an electric guitar as the driving force, it's a violin instead...played by a jacked black dude who is AMAZING! (Boyd Tinsley for the uninitiated.) When Boyd hits a solo, forget it, place loses it's mind. So I love the violin.
Well, one of my daughter's favorite shows in the morning is
"Jack's Big Music Show" and it's fun. My daughter loves music and when the theme song to this plays, she drops whatever she's doing to watch and dance along with all the music. So, part of the show involves puppets singing and playing music, the other are interspersed music videos from various musicians, especially ones geared towards younger audiences (and count me among the fans of "Hot Peas and Butter" and Laurie Berkner). Well the other day they featured two violin players in a band called
Nuttin' But Stringz....let's just say I'm checking them out on iTunes when I get a chance. They rock...I mean seriously rock. Violins mixed in with some hip-hop....nice....give it a listen....
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