This isn't the first time I've done an alphabet meme, but I think it's the first time I've done this particular one. Many thanks to Keith R.A.
kradical DeCandido, from whom I took this. (He, in turn, took it from a friend of his on Facebook, and she probably got it from another friend, etc. I guess that's how memes work, huh?)
Twenty-Six Things About Me:
A. Age: 47
Curious fact: While looking up the spelling of Keith's last name, I discovered that he is exactly one month older than I am.
B. Biggest fear: Varies, but usually heights.
I am, in fact, so scared of heights that I can't watch certain scenes in movies or play certain levels of video games without curling up into a little ball and hyperventilating a little.
C. Current time: 10:31a.m. PDT (UTC - 07:00)
D. Drink you last had: Water.
I know. I'm boring.
E. Every day starts with: Appeasing the elder goddess of the house.
Or, in more mundane terms, feeding the cat.
F. Favorite song: Wildly variable, but right now I'm digging on "Come With Me Now" by Kongos.
G. Ghosts; are they real?: Only in our memories.
Of course, this is not to say that they aren't just as dangerous as real ones would be. . . .
H. Hometown: I'm actually not sure how to answer this. I was born in Paoli, IN; I lived the first four years of my life in Indianapolis, IN; I pretty much grew up in Los Angeles; but San Diego has been my home for over 25 years.
I. In love with: My sweetie, of course. :)
J. Jealous of: Way too many people for way too many things. It's one of the reasons I started doing meditation and trying to follow more Buddhist practice in my day-to-day life. I'll never be a perfect Buddhist, or even a very good one, but keeping some of its ideas in my mind has really helped me to not be as much of a reactionary asshole as I once was.
K. Killed anyone?: No.
Never have, never will, never will support or condone anyone else doing so. Period.
L. Last time you cried: While watching the Pixar short "Lava"
M. Middle name: Brooks
My performing name, Eben Brooks, is just my first and middle names. I drop the legal last name because I already have one unusual name; I don't need people fumbling over two.
N. Number of siblings: One brother.
O. One wish: To learn to be less attached to stuff.
P. Person you last called:
neo_tanuki, last night, about gaming.
Q. Question you are always asked: "How are you today?"
It's how my sweetie greets me every morning when we IM.
R. Reason to smile: Many of the things on this list, including D, F, I, N, and P.
S. Song last sang: "25 or 6 to 4" while grocery shopping last night.
T. Time you woke up: Too damn late.
I.e., 8:45a.m. PDT
U. Underwear color: That's a bit bloody personal, ennit?
Okay, fine. White.
V. Vacation destination: I don't do vacations, I do conventions.
I seriously haven't had a real vacation since I went to London in 2004 (with
neo_tanuki, as it happens).
W. Worst habit: Video games.
Once I start, I can't put them down. It's a known problem that I really don't have any serious interest in solving. ;-)
X. X-rays you've had: Yeesh, where do I start? Left foot, repeatedly. Teeth, at dentist's office, every couple of years. Torso, several times. Head, a few times. Hands, a few times each. I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot more.
Y. Your favorite food: Come on, this is a cop-out. This should be F. A proper Y question would be "Yankees or Red Sox?" or something like that.
That being said, I don't really have a favorite food. I like to diversify.
Z. Zodiac sign: Western, Taurus. Eastern, Rooster.
This is why I refer to Cock & Bull Ginger Beer as "My ginger beer".