Jan 18, 2012 14:25
I find very interesting how the SOPA/PIPA debates are falling out, and who decides to take which side. It's obviously a contentious bill, but the battle lines are completely unlike the battle lines in any other legislation I've seen recently. In the "pro" column, you've got Democrats and Republicans, Hollywood film industry organizations (usually very liberal), the MPAA (usually very conservative), the RIAA (usually assholes), the AFL-CIO, and a whole slew of big corporations (Disney, NBC, Viacomm, Revlon, the NBA, Nike, etc.). In the "anti" column, you've once again got Democrats and Republicans, and also the White House, the Cato Institute (Libertarian think tank), the American Library Association, the EFF, the European Union Parliament . . . and a whole slew of big corporations (Google, Yahoo, AOL, eBay, Zynga, etc.)
I suppose the phrase "Politics makes strange bedfellows" is getting some new traction.