For those of you who either don't read the comments or are reading my posts on Facebook, you might want to check out the comment thread on
my last post.
Because of the conflict that arose in those comments, I am making this public declaration: If the consensus of the other people involved in this debacle (those being, at the very least, the other performers, various members of the audience, the concert organizers and crew, and those ConJecture staff who were drawn into it) is that I am in the wrong in my characterization of the events that transpired on Friday evening and of Chase Masterson's and Robert Sawyer's involvement in them, I promise to make a full and public apology to everyone involved. If desired, I will even make personal, private apologies-either via the U.S. Mail, e-mail, or even in person at the mutually convenient venue of the offended parties' choosing.
EDIT: In fact, I will actually go ahead and offer one apology right here: I sincerely, unreservedly, and humbly apologize for calling Ms. Masterson and Mr. Sawyer assholes. It was out of line and uncalled for, and I hope that they will forgive me. I don't expect them to, but that's not the point.