Frustration on all fronts...

Apr 07, 2010 07:45

Damnit! I had the woman in my room, sitting on the edge of my bed. She was sympathetic*, she thought my lame joke was funny**, and she was hotter than a two-dollar pistol! And just as I was leading up to the sure-to-be-specTACular make-out session . . .

. . . my gods-damned alarm clock went off!

Grumble! Why don't the awful dreams ever end that way?***


*Apparently, in the dream, something bad had happened earlier, though I cannot remember what.

**As sure a sign of sexual interest as the human race has ever devised.

***Yes, it was a dream. In the context of the dream, I was single. I don't cheat, even in dreams.

sex, ranting, dreams

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