Not a cloud in the sky.

Jul 10, 2011 02:38

I should be working on my Big Bang. Or, you know, sleeping. But have a meme instead!

What is your LiveJournal username? How did you come up with it?
ebcdic. It stands for Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. I came up with it when I was working as a programmer where I had to spend a lot of time translating it into ASCII. I think ASCII might have been free at the time, but EBCDIC sounds cooler. It's pronounced EBB-CEE-DICK, by the way.

Have you renamed before? If so, what were your old names? If you haven't renamed, what names would you want to rename to?
Many times! And I've switched journals many times. I've been blissblar, rerebliss, qualitygirl, evilbliss, mispwoso, and... uh, I forget the rest.

How much does your userinfo say about you?
Not much and yet a lot. I like brevity!

How long have you been on LiveJournal?
Since 2001! Ten years!

What is the longest amount of time you've gone without posting?
5 months?

On average, how many entries do you post per day? (Divide how many total entries you have by how many days you've been on LJ.)
Yeah, no, that's okay. I'll skip the math problem. I barely post once a month!

What are your posts normally about?
Emo crap. Work. Writing or lack thereof. My dogs. Random other stuff.

Is your LiveJournal friends only? Why or why not?
It's 99.9% public from 2006 onwards. Before that it's friends only. My old journals are locked up and private. I'm public now because I don't give a shit. You want to lurk and read my emo or whacky public transportation stories, by all means, have at it!

Does your LiveJournal have an actual title or are you merely USER @ LiveJournal?
It's "I Love Myself Today, Not Like Yesterday" which are lyrics from a Bif Naked song. Apt ones at that.

How long do you see yourself staying on LiveJournal?
For-ever, for-ever, for-ever. /end Sandlot reference


How many people are on your friendslist, not counting private journals, media journals, etc?
Mutual ones? 63.

Why do you choose to add a person to your friendslist?
Because they added me first is usually the top reason as I'm usually too shy to go looking for new people. Otherwise it's because they're a friend of a friend.

Is your friendslist an actual list of people you consider friends, or more of a reading list?
Some of them are friends, are even people I've met in real life. Others are just ships passing in the night.

How often do you read your friendslist?
Every day, pretty much. But usually on my phone, which is why I forget to comment to shit.

Do you use filters when viewing your friendslist?
I have two filters I use. One is the default. The other is just for Supernatural related communities and such.

How much do you talk to people on your friendslist off of LiveJournal?
There are only two that I talk to 'offline' with any amount of frequency. It used to be that I talked to most people in other places but I just don't have the time anymore.

Do you do friends cuts? Why or why not?
About once a year I go through and remove dead journals. Sometimes I'll remove people I don't remember speaking to in the last year when I'm doing that.

Do you regularly participate in friending memes? If not, how do you normally find people to friend?
I think I've done two of them. Otherwise it's all friend of a friend.

How often do you add new friends to your friendslist?
Not very often. Mainly because I don't actively seek out new friends.

Do your friends have to have something in common with you?
Yes. At least one thing. Even if it's a mutual hatred of tomatoes as a conversation starter.


How many userpics do you get maximum? How many of those slots do you actually use?

Do you mostly use icons made by yourself or by others?
Others! I have zero talent when it comes to such things.

Do you have your own icon community? How often do you post in it?
See above.

What fandoms are most frequently seen in your userpics?
Supernatural/CWRPS people. And then maybe Entourage? IDK. I forget to change icons a lot.

How do you find icons to use?

How often do you upload new icons to use in your userpics?
When I join a new fandom or find a new interest.

Which of your userpics do you use the most?

Which of your userpics do you like the most?

The old minimum number of userpics was three. Could you see yourself "surviving" on three userpics now?
I did survive on it once. But now? No fucking way.

What do your userpics say about you?
I switch fandoms a lot but forget to switch out my icons? I spend a lot of time on iconomicon?

meme, i write stuff sometimes, who needs sleep?

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