Feb 14, 2011 23:16
So, as it turns out, I have enough air miles to file to Europe in October. I would be traveling between October 15th and October 26th or so. So, where should I go?
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Definitely do not go to Milan. It has very little of interest to a tourist.
If I were traveling to Europe, I would definitely go to Eastern Europe, but that's my bias! :D
i guess the reason i'm picking places in the south is because of the time of year i would be traveling. i did go to budapest in 2009 and would love to go to bucharest though.
In your position, I would go to Bosnia, Albania, and Croatia, I think. But traveling in the Balkans can be rough going, it would definitely depend on what you're up for.
i'm pretty adventurous, but since i usually travel alone, i try to be cautious too, if that makes sense. warnings of pickpockets and that kind of thing doesn't bother me, but outbreaks of violence do.
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