The snow is really kind of beautiful from 7th floor view of Lake Michigan and the city. On the ground, not so much, as I learned on my trek 4 blocks south to the grocery store (and then 4 blocks back north, of course). The dogs were super-excited about it though; they ran around like crazy things outside. Now they're curled up together in their bed. So adorable.
I need to bake a chocolate peppermint cheesecake for the holiday party at work and clean the house up enough that my parents won't freak out when they come to pick me up for dinner tonight. Dad's birthday is on Tuesday, but we're doing cake and gifts and stuff today.
Truthfully, I'm feeling kind of depressed and trying to cheer myself up by doing nice stuff for other people over at
I just, this whole work thing. I can't stay in this department. I'm bored. I'm under-appreciated. I hate my boss. It's high stress with no pay-off. But I love my employees, the flexible hours, the option to work from home, and how I can get away with anything because my boss (and his boss) wouldn't dare cross me for fear of losing me. But this new department? My new boss has a reputation of being a hard-ass, there's no flexible hours, no working from home, and I'd be going in there knowing nothing with the expectation that I would know everything within a month. Like, when I interviewed, the woman said that she would put me in front of a client (one of the major pharmaceutical companies) within a week of me moving over there. On the other hand, this department is the darling of the company, the CEO's pet project, and it's something new and exciting that I can't see getting bored with. So, better the devil you know?
Probably I should not be thinking about this so much until I get an actual offer.
Personal life isn't going so hot either. Most of the time, being alone doesn't bother me. But sometimes I wish I at least had a close friend who isn't related to me. My neurosis have made me a total failure on that front. I project my insecurities onto everyone I interact with in that capacity and think 'oh, they really don't like me', 'oh, i'll be bothering them if i call them', 'oh, they're not answering my emails because i'm bugging them and they wish i would leave them alone', 'oh, they're just humoring me and wish i would just go away', 'oh, they're just keeping me around because i can do something for them', etc. It's kind of pathetic. Well, no, it is pathetic. But I know it goes back to when I was in pre-school and a girl I thought was my best friend snubbed me as soon as a new girl showed up in class. I mean, it's totally ridiculous to still think about that, to even remember it, but I think it kind of scarred me or at least tainted my interactions with people from then on.
God, I didn't mean for this post to turn into a whiny rant. Going to log off and play Fallout: New Vegas.