Sunday was fabu. Spent most of the morning on the beach with the pups, then took the bus a bit north of me and settled down at
Metropolis for coffee and reading. Went to CVS and on the way back, realized that
Bananas Foster and
m.henrietta were right there, so stopped at the latter and had French Toast for late brunch (or early dinner?).
And then it was Monday. Lillie is sick with some sort of flu thing that's making her miserable and me go through cleaning supplies like crazy. Someone at work complained about 'pushback' on my team and so my boss hauled me into a conference room to discuss it, but when I asked him what his expectations were on the project, he didn't even know what the project was so I basically brushed him off (how do you not know what your employees are working on, seriously?). I had the worst BBQ on the planet from
Pork Shoppe for dinner and I think my iPod is dying.
Tuesday had better be all rainbows and sunshine, is what I'm saying.