was that your jump shot? because if that was your jump shot, i can't date you anymore.

Feb 22, 2009 14:44

y'all can feel free to point and laugh at any time now.

so i watched devour and house of wax last night. i'm not doing a cut-tag because they both came out 4 years ago now and if you haven't seen them yet well that's too bad for you.

95% of this movie made absolutely no sense whatsoever. it was like half existenz and half wannabe the omen or the prophecy and all crack. i mean i didn't even get what was going on until towards the end of the movie and he goes to the satanist dude. it was all red flashbacks and strange phone calls. oh and jensen having sex with dominique swain was awkward/hilarious. the whole time he looked like 'dude i'm having sex with a chick and i don't know why' but his panting was strangely realistic? idk. awful movie.

house of wax
this was at least kind of cool. even if it did have paris hilton in it. although i must say she was kind of badass wandering around with that pole trying to kill the one twin. jared's facial hair was fucking horrible but chad was kind of... cute? apparently he has this nervous habit of bouncing his leg because he was doing it through this whole behind the scenes thing with paris, elisha and jared. and that was also... cute?

i have no idea what is wrong with me that i suddenly want to read nothing but chad michael murray fanfic. that being said... recs, anyone?

umm, wikipedia says that jared is bisexual? i have a feeling this is the typical made-up wiki crap but lol anyway. (edit: not ten seconds after i posted this, someone edited it to take that out. bigger lol)

by the way, this week's entertainment weekly is chock-full of supernatural goodness. there's a spoiler for an upcoming episode, a cute sidebar about the parallels between jared and jensen's careers, this thursday's episode in the 'must watch' section (even though it's a re-run), oh and did i mention jeffrey dean morgan hotness all over the place?! omg i got the cover with the comedian in the mail and i actually squealed over it.

also, i bought a wii fit and it's so much fun!

movie reviews, gaming geek, christopher walken, comic books, supernatural

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