pardon my capslock.

Sep 19, 2008 20:25

i spent most of my morning at various banks. you see, my primary bank isn't expected to stay open much longer (this is the polite way of saying that it's sinking like the titanic). i've been terrified for days that my checking, savings, ira and mutual fund will get tied-up in banking purgatory (the place between which a bank files for bankruptcy, how ironic, and the fdic forks over my money). in a preemptive move, mom and i have started to switch to a new bank. of course i still need to change where all of my money is deposited and where my bills get paid from. not to mention sit down with a broker who is willing to help me transfer my ira and mutual fund to someplace where it isn't likely to disappear overnight.

needless to day, this week had not been good for my mental health.

really, i feel so angry, so frustrated, so helpless right now. and i am sick and fucking tired of the republicans and all of their bullshit. hello. mccain voted to de-regulate the banks. does anyone remember this? anyone? anyone? bueller? and now he's saying they need more regulation? NO SHIT ASSSHOLE. by the by, did any democratic senators happen to vote the same as mccain on that one? the answer would be no, alex.

how the fuck can anyone in good conscience vote for this guy? seriously, explain this to me.

and, yeah, i'm sure that as individuals, republicans can be decent folks. but as a collective? what the fucking fuck? stop voting for these assholes, please. someone can share your values and not drag this country into the gutter. i'm sure if you looked really, really, really hard you could find someone who is NOT SOME RICH OLD WHITE DUDE WHO IS COMPLETELY OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY. (ps: i don't want to hear about how mccain ran against bush and he's such a rebel and a war hero and blah blah blah because BULLFUCKINGSHIT and how the fuck is any of that going to help the country now, huh?!)


other than that, my day was just peachy.

fuck the government, money money money, mental health

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