We're not breaking out of Jamba Juice, gentlemen.

Dec 16, 2007 19:35

Hey, kids. When your dentist tells you to floss, you should really heed his advice. That way, you don't spend your Saturday on an operating table while the guy slices open your gums.

Basically, that's how I spent my Saturday and I got to pay $208 for the pleasure. After the Novocain wore off, I spent the day in agony and now I can't eat solid foods for three weeks. So, I really haven't been eating at all because I feel like shit. I've never had anything done like that before (that I can remember) so kudos to those of you who have.

Even though I didn't feel like it, I finished up my holiday cards. My dad put them in the mailbox tonight, so hopefully you'll get them sometime before the new year. Speaking of, thanks for the card, dine!

My workplace is having the huge end-of-year party here and I'm trying to decide if I want to go or not. On the one hand, I get to go somewhere that few people get to visit. On the other hand, awkward social situations and such. Hmm.

This is possibly the most awesome thing I have ever seen. My mom bought a bunch of them for the family.

I'm done with my holiday shopping; except that I have to return the iPod Shuffle I bought for Bren. He asked for one but then the folks at Microsoftville decided to give all their employees Zunes as a bonus. Sigh.

Also, I'm going to be the only person on my team in the office for the next two weeks. The other teams on the floor will only have one person as well. I predict many naps and catching up on reading.

and a thank you miss, holidays, house, consumerism, aches and pains, mental health

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