Dec 23, 2005 04:32
This is probably one of those things that's only funny if you were there, but I'm still laughing about it so I'm going to tell it anyway.
So I'm in a trailer with my supervisor loading. He's in the back and I'm finishing up under the flaps. Our full-time supervisor comes in and starts talking to my supervisor: I put a trailer on 272. You know why? It's like a safety blanket dude. It's a back-up. See I don't work with the man, I go around him. (I think this is where he notices me and decides to try and be a good role model) I mean I'm a team player you know, I work well with others, but man dude I just totally went over their heads with this one...
Okay this is a short, somewhatly pudgey middle-aged guy that no one knows how exactly he got the position he's in now. So I just try to keep my face hidden, as I'm about ready to laugh my ass off in front of the guy. Then the guy leaves and I ask my supervisor if he's always like that... and he's like, "Yeah... I saw you look down to hide your face. Good move." This is where I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. The other day he walked up to us during break (we were all standing around the computer... we being some supervisors and me) and says, "Yeah man I got that Christmas music crap turned off. I got some fuckin' rock 'n roll on" *pounds his hands on the desk as if it's a drum* That's where I left before I could laugh. If anyone ever asked me, "What's the one thing you think you need to improve on before becoming a supervisor?" I would honestly answer, "Improving my tact so I don't end up laughing at said supervisor whenever he talks to me."
And speaking of being promoted... I signed my papers today. Hopefully I will be promoted as of the end of next week/early the week after. Then I have to go to "school" which basically consists of me coming in a full sort early to sit in a room with a few other new people to learn stuff about being a supervisor (computer training, paperwork, techniques, safety, etc). So that'll be fun... Now I just need to get money to fix my car so I can actually get there that early. Plus I'm going to need more clothes... just a few, but still. SHOPPING!!!
I am so broke...