Soooooo, I went to the dentist yesterday for a consultation about getting my wisdom teeth removed. This meant to me, X-rays, "this is what we recommend for the procedure", "when do you want to come back?". What it ended up being is X-rays, "this is what we recommend for the procedure", "are you ready to do it today?"
So I called work and told them that I was getting my wisdom teeth out, and couldn't come in tomorrow (now today). The dentist asked me what I want for anastesia (sp). They of course needed to do the local (putting my mouth to sleep), but do I want the goofy pill and laughing gas too (they had also asked if I wanted to be concious or not, and I did want to be)? I had never had either of these, but then again I had never had my wisdom teeth out before either. So I asked what they recommend. They said, take 'em both. I asked mom, who was with me, and she said the same "might as well". So they gave me the goofy pill, which I was to chew up and let take effect for about half an hour before they move on the the next part. So they did the surgery on the dude/dudette in the room next to me who had chosen the unconcious route. They said that I was ok in the room, so long as my mom was there with me. I made a joke (I had thought the lady had left, the joke was meant for my mom) about "yeah, we don't want me climbing that pole and haning from the ceiling" (the pole being a IV stand that was in the room). The lady said "yeah, that wouldn't be good". So they had this thingy on my finger to measure my oxygen level. I had fun with that thing. I held my breath, and got it as low as 95% (100% being the norm for a non-smoker like me). But after a few minutes, I was annoyed with the beeping of the machine and wanted to throw stuff at it. But I didn't. Mostly cuz I didn't have anything to throw at it. So after about half an hour of me being goofy (either cuz of the pill or out of nervousness), they came in and kicked my mom out. Gave me the laughing gas...I think it is called that cuz of how much you laugh at yourself afterwards...
The dentist came back in and asked if the drugs were having an effect on me. I didn't answer. I knew the question, I knew the answer. I just couldn't be bothered to answer. That plus I was sure he would get it figured out. He did. "I guess that means it is taking effect" he said to the nurse lady. They laughed. After the procedure, they set the chair back to normal, and I was starting to get up, they stopped me and said "no, wait til your mom gets here". She did, and later told me I had a goofy look on :-D.
We had been planning to go to fabric depot when we got out of the dentist. So mom asked me if I still wanted to go. I was feeling fine enough. Hell, I could do anything. So we went in, I wanted yarn, she wanted fabric. She asked me if I knew where the yarn was, I pointe in the correct direction, looked in a completely different one. Everytime I would stop to look at something, I would step back a few steps, I am not sure why, just off balance I suppose. But in the narrow isles of the store, I would end up crashing into everything that happened to be behind me. I was aware of there being things behind me, I was aware I could stop myself from falling into them. I just couldn't be bothered. Then I walked right past the yarn. Realized this. Eventually stopped, turned around, and went back. Found what I wanted, went to look for mom. Looked. Looked. Forgot what I was looking for, got distracted by shiny yarn. Grabbed one. Found mom, went to her with shiny. Told her I was going to go outside (cuz as I went to where she was I had seen that they had a sidewalk sale), went to find where I got shiny yarn so I can put it back, cuz I didn't want to buy it. Showed here where I was going to be. She checked to make sure it was fenced in, then let me go out. I wandered around, again facinated with shinies. Eventually went back in, mom got all of her stuff, we went to the checkout line. I went first, finished and started to walk out of mom's way, but musta walked too far as mom said "that's far enough, don't get too far away" and started to pay for her stuff, got a phone call from dad while there, told him that "yeah, she got the teeth pulled and is kind of loopy right now" at which point, the checker lady looked at me with a "yep, that's who they are talking about" and I responded by giving her a goofy smile and saying "I am toothless!!!" or something equally silly.
Then we went to costco to get my prescriptions. Handed the person the prescriptions, told it would be about half an hour. Went and sat on a bench for about 20 minutes with me being sillier than normal. Apparently I had been walking through the carts and people strangly, and mom wanted me to wait while she got the drugs. I didn't want to, I was doing fine. So I went with her. We've all seen those dividers where you have to wait between these ropes. Well there was a sign on this one saying "customer on this side, cart on that side". I told mom "I'm going to be a cart!!!" and went where the carts were supposed to be. Eventually we got to the counter, and I got there first, so the dude asked me "how can I help you?" and I just stared at him. Mom answered that we were getting prescriptions. He asked me my name. I just stared at him. I needed to get out some ID, which I was able to handle. Then I needed to sign my name, which took my full concentration, especially as I had to remember what comes after each letter. I needed to date something. My watch has time and date. I almost wrote the time. I needed to initial something. Forgot my initials, and just started drawing lines. Finally made the lines into my initials.
Eventually we got out of there, with mom looping her arm through mine to get me out of the store without too many crashes. I thought I was doing good walking through the store. I guess I made mom nervous.
The drive home consisted of, of course, turns, stops and starts. Mom would turn the car, I would fall into the window. I didn't care. Mom would stop the car, I would end up with my head between my knees. I didn't care. I just couldn't be bothered to do anything else. I knew I was being weird. I did care about being weird. I just couldn't be bothered to do otherwise.
Got home, didn't do anything but head straight for my room and slept for the rest of the afternoon, with one inturruption by my dad to give me vicadin.
hehe, now I know why they call it "laughing gas" mwahahahaha