random thoughts of the day

Jan 17, 2006 16:25

1.) a new record was set today... i saw NO clients... my session at the settlement was canceled and then no one at the army showed... so after 6 hours of not doing anything and realizing that my last client wasn't showing up and i didn't need the documentation time built into the end of my day since i didn't see any clients, i left... 45 min early and i don't care... i don't understand how i went from having one of the most wonderful and fulfilling days of my professional career on a tuesday a couple weeks ago to seeing no one on that same day... same schedule, people... don't get it

2.) working with an office full of women just gets gossipy... i never want a supervisor to ask me how a date went... not now not ever... it was my own fault for trying to figure out what the bar was going to be like to determine how i had to dress but really ladies... as jennifer stated, "do you have to make a presentation at the staff meeting on wed"... god i hope it doesn't come up tomorrow

3.) hooray... my transcripts got here... not so good news though b/c i don't have my stuff ready to send out... but now i know that i have to do it and the deadline is friday... friday morning i will be heading to the post office with completed application in hand to be sent out...

4.) last thought... i'm always amazed how and when inspiration occurs... I love when I feel inspired to do something... anything... and it's stupid things as much as important life changes... recently I've been focusing on a lot of different aspects of music... and I realize more each day how important all of the elements are if you want to be a complete well rounded musician... today I picked up my old music lit. book just to read… I think it was the first time I ever just read that book to read it... b/c I wanted to... b/c I wanted to remember the things that I once knew enough to write long essays on and answer questions on exams... b/c I was interested in knowing more and I wanted to know these things again and apply them to my life personally and professionally... I feel the only time I recall a lot of things I learned in college is when I look it up or read program notes at a concert... it's always been fascinating to me but my brain doesn’t work that way... I don't memorize factual information of any kind... but when I hear someone else talk about a subject with such passion it makes me crave more... it makes me want to seek the answers for myself... to study and improve and aim for the ability to become a more complete musician... a more complete person... it's an incredible feeling to want to explore and learn… the never ending quest for knowledge and self improvement... I can't even begin to express how important it is for me to strive for this in my own life and how priceless it is when I observe this same desire in others... when I observe this passion and drive in others it encourages me to explore and grow even more

overall trying to end the day positive...
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