Just letting you know what I got up to Friday 30th April - Sunday 2nd May in detail!
After setting off somewhat later than I intended (which was partly due to a touch of apathy and partly to do with being totally disorganised in the leaving of
huggirl's little nook of Kidderminster) and with help from the
toxicpixie, I made it onto the bus with 1 seat to spare.
Now, did you realise, that where there is a bus replacement service, the moment the bus is full they go? It sounds rather obvious, but then busses don't carry as many people as trains do. This somewhat perplexed me - what if I'd been five minutes later, still within plenty of time according to timetables, and the bus had already departed? However, we sped along to Leicester and indeed, nearly made an earlier train.
The train pulled up, was guarded by the quirky black train dude until it was clean, and then on. And off we went. Which was a little worrying given there was a small group of scallie kids just ahead of me in the carriage. I just knew the second they spotted me, I was dead. Luckily, I avoided their attention for a while by slouching in my seat and gazing moodily and fixedly out of the window. At this point I ought to mention I was wearing a wonderful dress which was donated to me by
lemming_sunday - it is long, black velvet, exceptionally slinky and has a rather large keyhole detail at the front. I'd forgotten this bit.
Said young scallywags clocked me after about an hour.
The upshot was, I gave back what I got. I was not in the best of moods, and was not going to sit there demurely whilst being insulted with references to my chest area. They eventually decided I was a he-she. Ok, first time I've had that - kinda a compliment in that I think they generally, with the exception of five-o-clock shadows and square jawlines, look more stunning than women. After coming to this conclusion, they noticed I'd been sipping a can of lager which served to confirm their suspicions. And they were fascinated. Now, by this time, I could feel the rest of the carriage trying to see me to see what the fuss was about. We were not holding a polite and discreet conversation! Luckily for me, their stop was the next one. The Asisan man who had to walk through them and was told to admire the he-she's chest and ask for my number was exceptionally embarrassed, but other than that I came out of it smiling and giggling to myself and with my head held high outwardly.
At this point, I was in need of the little goth's room. So up I stood, make-up now complete, and toddled in the general direction. I was HIGHLY amused when several men said in chorus "THAT is NOT a bloke!". A relief to know some of them can spot the difference :P.
I arrived in Cambridge a little after 8pm, and was met by
devalmont at the station. The place is beautiful - lots of immensly cute little streets, and I instantly felt calmer and more collected than I have for the past two weeks. After a short wander to his current abode, we laughed and chatted about all kinds of odds and ends, and consumed a bottle of white from some beautiful goblets. It was incredibly soothing not to talk about the past couple of weeks, in a place that holds no memories for me and reminds me of nothing.
Then the party....
elise's wonderful neighbours had offered to host it at their beautiful house, given that there had been a rather nasty fire which prevented
elise holding it at her house. Two things struck me particularly - the books they have and the feline members of the house. Both were instantly fascinating to me, I should love to go back for a quieter evening of conversation.
It was wonderful to see face-to-face some of the people I've noticed on lj, they were all very engaging and I look forward to the next time I'm there!
Sunday was largely spent wandering around Cambridge, just having some time to myself to think. It amazes me how much a change of scene can help. Being where nothing and no-one reminded me of what I was going through gave me the chance to start moving forward, rather than going round in circles, hand to forehead, all "Woe is me!".
I think being here had halted me and prevented me seeing things for what they were. I've come to many conclusions and decisions which I feel have been helpful, and are honest. I wasn't able to be objective whilst being surrounded by the cause of my anxiety and pain. So although poor
devalmont was rather concerned at a possibly meepish gothette wandering around alone whilst he worked, he needn't have - it was precisely what I needed.
Meeting his soon to be housemates was cool - I can see many interesting late nights approaching! The new house they've settled on is very sweet and has a really positive vibe. I think it's going to make a wonderful home once it's been personalised. Good luck with the move!
I was a little sad to leave as I left feeling fantastic and able to face things again. I may stay a little longer next time, timetables permitting and if he'll have me back! The person whom I ought to thank the most though must be
hardcorenympho for being completely fine with it all - you, my dear, are a star. Thank you. I hope to see you there next time!
The journey home was hugely uneventful, with the exception that it again gave me pause for reflection - both on my weekend and on the events leading up to it.
I've decided as and when that I'd quite like to live in Cambridge. Not in the immediate future, but it's a very beautiful place. I can see the attraction.
gypsygoth, you've infected me!
Well, that's all for now. Except to reassure you all that I am ok. Not perfect, but ok. Thank you all for your concern and support recently, you've been amazing.
Over and out.