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Right, these went down rather well at film night (so are well tested, there are some cake aficionados amongst that crowd) and the recipes were requested, so here they are!
Mum/Bero Chocolate Cake
You won’t find quite the same recipe in ‘modern’ bero recipe books. The recent version is good but not as good as this. Mum always gets requests for it!
7oz Self-raising flour
1oz Cocoa powder
(sift above together)
8oz Caster Sugar
½ teaspoon salt (this is apparently very important!)
(mix together)
4oz margarine
5 tablespoons evaporated milk
5 tablespoons water
2 eggs
(mix above together)
Grease and line your tin(s). Put on the oven to warm up. You’ll want it at 180C / 350F.
Mix SR Flour and Cocoa together. Add in Caster Sugar and Salt.
Rub in margarine (don’t try and multi-task, this gets sticky).
Add Evaporated Milk, Water and Egg mix into the dry ingredients - it is a very sloppy mix when done, so don’t worry!
Pour the mixture into lined, greased cake tins (you can use 2 round tins and double layer it or use 1 swiss roll style tin if you prefer).
Put into your warm oven for 30 to 35 minutes. Turn out tin(s) and allow to cool. Once completely cool, ice with Chocolate Icing, recipe as below!
Mum/Bero Milk Chocolate Icing (good for a few things)
Quick note: Mum and I use half this mix for a Chocolate Cake. You can go wild and make a full batch but you may end up having to eat some from the bowl. Shame!!!
3 tablespoons milk
2 ½ oz margarine
(but together and warm until the marg is melted)
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
8 oz icing sugar
(sift together and mix really well)
Add the wet mix slowly to the dry mix, blending well and beating until thick, smooth and shiny. If the mixture goes a little hard and dry, put in a bit more warm milk.
Spread onto a cool cake! And lick the bowl. Yummy.
Jay’s Guinness Chocolate Cake
I assume that you can use any dark stout for this. A chocolate stout would be wonderful I think! It turns out nearly black and is very moist and rich - you won’t eat very much of this in one sitting easily. The ingredients list is right, and having read it you might never eat this again if you already have. Very bad for you! But oh so nice.
250ml Guinness
250grams butter (yes, really, a whole pack) sliced into smallish bits
75grams cocoa
400grams caster sugar (yes, really!)
(mix these together)
142ml sour cream
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
(mix these together well - give them a good beat!)
250grams plain flour
2 ½ teaspoons bicarbonate soda
(have these mixed handy)
300grams Philadelphia cheese
150grams icing sugar
125ml whipping cream
Grease and line your tin(s). Put on the oven to warm up. You’ll want it at 180C / 350F.
Warm the Guinness and butter together to form a beer mix on your hob. Don’t over-heat it. Remove from heat source once it’s all melty but don’t let it cool!
Whisk into the beer mix the cocoa and sugar. Then add in the sour cream, eggs and vanilla mix, stirring well. Finally whisk in the flour and bicarbonate of soda.
Pour the mixture into lined, greased cake tins (you can use 2 round tins and double layer it but it is best to use 1 swiss roll style tin). It is quite a generous mix so make sure the tin is a nice deep one!
Put into the warmed oven for 45minutes to 1hour. Allow to cool in the tin, it’s quite a damp mix (it might collapse under it’s own weight otherwise and then you’d have to eat the edge bits, what a shame!).
For the frosting (please note, this doesn’t seem to turn out well as it’s very sloppy. Those of you who had this at film night, I’d upped the icing sugar to get it to thicken which changed the taste a little too much and gave me huge quantities of the stuff. Needs experimentation!):
Whip the cream cheese until smooth. Sieve in the icing sugar and beat together. Add the whipped cream and beat again until it makes a spreadable consistency. Ice the top of the cooled black cake.
If you like these two recipes, chances are you’ll love Ozzy’s DippadoomTM and Mousse of DoomTM. Links here:
Dip -
http://andreas.beck.tripod.com/pix/andyBBQ/garlic.htmMousse -