
Things to make and do...

Apr 25, 2010 19:35

[Level - Public]

It occurs to me that I'm going to get awfully tangled with diary dates in the near future, so each week I'll do a 'what I'm doing this week' post, open publicly so that it gets pinged over to facebook, so that I don't get lost. So, *points at new tag, weekly diary, and lays out her plans*.

This week;

Tonight = General collapse, tidy and sort
Tuesday = Roleplay
Wednesday = Allison time @ her house
Thursday = Film and popcorn and catchup with Nicole and Vince at Cottenham
Friday to Sunday = Jo time @ here (including Empress for hog roast and minipigs)

Next week;

Monday = working during the day but might join in the picnic with Allison after work
Tuesday = Brian
Wednesday = Roleplaying
Thursday = Shits and giggles with Chris, potentially definate
Friday to Sunday = Jen time @ here (including punting, Sunday lunch @ Salsbury Arms)

Following week;

Not gotten that far ahead yet!

People to come through and visit;


People to go and visit when I'm close;

Katharine @ Aston Cantlow (whenever time and money allows!)
HoGers @ Brum (as above re time and money)
Nick @ Stratford for lunch (when I'm at the caravan)
Debi and zee Timbles @ the UK when they're over (June)
Parental Units @ the Caravan (late May Bank Hol for Jav, early June for the gang)
Dawn & Nicky @ York (late June/July ish)

Things to do;

Gym / healthy exercise membership (at least one thing weekly)
Monthly Sacrilege
Sort out clothes and sell over the summer
Make some jewelery and sell some bits

If you spot something you think I'd like to join in on, let me know. If I say no, it'll be cash or time related unless I say otherwise!

If I invite you and you can't make it, I'll invite you another time unless you tell me not to.

If you want to hang out but can't afford monies, I have a large dvd collection, generally a bottle of wine and like coffee and ice-cream at home (yours or mine) and friends are always welcome.

I am not interested in anything other than friends. I want to reach out and build on old friendships and forge some new ones - don't take invites as anything other than that.

My phone is not always charged and is not always on and if it is, it's often on silent - if in doubt, texts usually get through (voicemail is a waste of time) but emails always do, as do lj comments / facebook comments. I am not ignoring you, I'm just a bit useless!

public, roleplay, weekly diary

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