[Level - Public]
devalmont very kindly gave me a new shiny phone last night. So this morning, as I was running around doing my usual getting ready pannic, he gallantly decided to tackle transferring the numbers accross. I was up for writing them all down just in case because I don't mix well with technology.
As has been proved. Despite the fact that my chap transfers numbers for people countless times a day and despite the fact that he knows both my old and new phone very well, my old one decided it was giving up the goose. So instead of transferring all the info to my sim, it deleted it. As a result, I've lost your numbers again - and as some of you may have changed and I've not noticed, it's just as well we get this out of the way pre Yule, Solstice, Crimbly and New Years messages.
In short;
Please can you assume I've not got your number (unless you're
devalmont). Text your name to me, or comment (I'll leave them screened). MY number hasn't changed, just the phone!
Mine is
here if you've not currently got it - viewable to my lj friends only :P.
Me xx