(Level - Public)
I had a really really good time at the party last night so first and foremost, thank you to our most excellent host,
raggedy_man. There were lots of other ljers and nonljers there, some of who I knew and some of who I didn't, all of whom were lovely.
There was lots of alcohol, lots of food, lots of stuff to drink which wasn't alcohol, a little bit of rain (which didn't dampen the enthusiasm).
BIG long list alert...
There were impressive fireworks, terror of falling sticks, lots of girly gossip and giggling (well,
akonken WAS there and that is what we do best!), far too much
_ebb_ being selfish and going on about a difficult situation in the kitchen for far too long (sorry
akonken and
nekofairy666 and thanks for listening to it all), not enough Murphy stroking (those of you not in the know, he's the resident cat and he's fabulous), lots of silly sing-along songs about Tractor Factories, loving Monsters etc, lots of not quite as silly singing, a little lesson on the Boran (
belak_krin patiently explained it all to me), corset schtuff with
autumn_storm, yummy Sangria made by
karohemd looking very buff (must be all the naked dancing with the metal cone :P),
razornet and
devalmont having a good time with firearms, intelligent conversations, feet being amusingly put into mouths (but it's all ok), mastery of a barbeque under difficult circumstances (ie being surrounded by demanding drunk people, managing in the rain and the dark -
robinbloke deserves special mention at this point!), and lots of other things and people that I can't remember!
In short, a great night with good people. And that's a pretty special thing, however often I have the privlege to enjoy it. Thanks all.
*awaits the hangover from hell*