[Level - Public]
And so it arrives (or at least, is almost here!).
That time of year where you're obliged to buy your partner a piece of cardboard to express your continued love and devotion to them, or to take the plunge and ask out that single hottie you keep meaning to. The shops are awash with all things red and pink, the cost of a dozen red roses has hit its peak and singletons out there are bemoaning, for the large part, their lot.
I'm in the incredibly brilliant position of having an adoring and devoted partner who tells me he loves me every day and is far more affectionate and softer than I am (though of course, he'd deny all knowledge of that should you ask him). As corny as it sounds, we don't need a single day in the year dictated to us by card manufacturers as being the right day to express our love to each other. We do that all the time. Those of you who don't give a flying *insert rude word here* about the entire thing, feel free to slate it and hold your head up high. I agree with you that it's all a bit silly, cheesy, obvious and corny these days.
However, as much as I roll my eyes at the HOARDES of men buying cards today in Tesco, and giggle at the profusion of roses everywhere in there, I'll join the masses in making the effort to find an appropriate card (so that my darling one doesn't feel left out and unloved, not that he often gets a chance to!) and giving a token gift. Because lets face it - if you have a special day every day, what's the harm in another one? I say go ahead and all go loopy.
Looking back over lj and my post
last year I think the sentiments still ring true - I hope that you all get the happiness you deserve, whether that's being blissfully single or otherwise.
NB - if there are, as usual, a plethora of crush questionnaires about to hit lj, my advice would be only admit the ones you'd admit to others. They usually sell the information on later. Being a sensible girl who only has room for one wonderful person, this doesn't affect me but just keep it in mind!