I had such a wonderful weekend. I really don't want it to be over. Work. *sigh, shakes fist impotently at sky*
Mushrooms, Mary jane, Dial-A-Pizza, Movies, and endless matches of Puzzle Fighter with Ama in mk-d.
Lawdy I do decalre.
I just wish it would fucking RAIN again. It keeps threataning, then refusing to give.
The sky is like a giant tarp filled with water straining to burst out of the confining clouds, but not giving way.
It gives me a headache, the suspense.
I want torrential downpours.
I want Lightening and Thunder and FOG.
I'm waiting on pins and needles.
I think I'm going to start drawing something today.
Maybe a new comic or something.
We'll see what happens.
Ninurta, Sumerian/Mesopotamian thunder god.
The only god I fancied as a child.
oh, and Happy Talk like a Pirate Day.