91. I like reading other peoples internet conversations - that didn't just add to the creepiness level >.>; there was once a lifetime movie about a girl who stole her neighbor’s mail to feel close to them; when I read other peoples conversations I feel closer to them~ I’m sure I’m not the only one but yeah C:
92. I have an easier time memorizing the physical shape of something over the actual thing - being the visual person I am this may not be to shocking. This happens a lot, especially with words. Going back to my horrible memory, you could word out something 10 times and ask me what it was a few minutes later but I not remember, but if you were to a piece of paper with something written one it and told me to memorize it in 30 seconds then gave me a list(yes I'd need a list, still couldn't recognize without one orz) and told me to pick it out, I'd be able to remember. This is also why I have trouble remembering small details.... >3>;
93. I think I'm pretty selfish - if you consider having a horrible memory(how come almost everything comes back to my lack of memory :V? ) and there for forget to do things that that don't qualify under the ut most importance, even if it helps another person, then yeah, I'm selfish...
94. I didn't know what a vibrator was until fanfictions :'T - I didn't know what most this were until fanfictions, like had no idea about lubricant or things like that... it's not that I was so innocent I didn't even know about sex, I've known for several years now though for most of those years I was convinced it was just making out in bed
95. I get motion sick very easily - in the car, on a boat, even watching TV…. I swear if something isn’t wrong with me, than even Rebecca Black must be normal :P
96. I don’t care for wapanese or weeaboo people - I’ll admit I went through that phase (who didn’t?) but now I’m over it and only a few words are left in my vocabulary(but I don’t think the really count), and now I cringe whenever I see my old comments xD;;;
97. I love mushy, gushy, cheesy relationships - those ones where everything is each other and they are free to be happy together, I always just happily eat it up xD don't get me wrong, if there's no plot line besides that I'll eventually get bored, but for the mean while I just drown in a hoard of fangirlism~
98. Sometimes I wish I was more out spoken - but whenever I try I always chicken out, plus if I were to suddenly be out spoken people might think I've been switched with a secret twin or something xDD;;
99. I sometimes feel if others like something, then I should as well - not for big things, mainly silly things like a song or a game... I don't know why, I actually prefer when my opinion is different for the rest, I just can't ever shack the feeling that I'm weird or something...
100. I hope to stay in the DRRR!! fandom for a very long time - this is actually my longest consecutive fandom o3o; everything else I get bored of after a few months(if not sooner) or I waver, like Pokemon I went out of the fandom for a few years in between games but was brought back by a friend though even now I find I don't always love it as much as I could/did... Either way, all I gotta do is immerse myself whole-heartedly in to it and I will stay for a long time! Especially now with my famiry, I doubt I'll be going anywhere! \o/ though T&B might take over some of the time
Well that's that~ I don't feel I said very much about me but at the same time I don't know what else I would/can say xD;
I can think of some others, but they're kind of personal and I'm not very comfortable with letting them out over the internet... I don't even know if I could tell them to an individual... Pffff this must sound depressing so I'll stop there xDD;;;