[There's a glimmer of amusement in here, but this is mostly an Oh Teh Overly Dramatic Dramaz post. He's having fun, though]
Seems like someone 'round here's got an off-kilter sense of humor. Folks, sorry to say, I woke up this mornin' with the world on my mind and ringin' in my ears. Turns out I'd been pranked.
Not only did the person responsible get me in the still of the night - oh no. They had the audacity to use the Bells on a String that Miss Maya so generously gave to the residents of this fair city. Miss Maya, I'm so sorry your wonderful invention was used for such a terrible purpose. Is there any way I can make it up to you?
And you original pranksters better shape up - I got my eye on you.
[Thus ends the most acting J has done in quite a while. If you listen close, you can hear him smiling the whole time. Applause~]
[Screened to Starr]
Starr, give 'em back.
[As revenge for
J's pranks on them, Spin, Missy, and Chieftan have tied bells in his hair while he was sleeping. Starr, on the other hand, nabbed his glasses and replaced them with a pair with bells glued on them. He's taking it with a laugh, seeing as he deserved it and all.]