2009: The Year In Review.

Jan 11, 2009 02:00

2009 has brought an interesting ten days, enough to whet one's appetite and cross their fingers in hope that the year has at least 355 more.

.....if not a lot has happened and there's hardly anything to summarize, well, oh well.

i have come back from a necksnapping hardcore show, smooshed down in a basement, which i had come to from catching gaybeast at the lemp. i made flyers for the former, but i'm not sure i even kept copies for myself.

i also did a real quick ad for apop (real short notice) for the very good print-magazine Z-GUN. it's based out of california, and it's one of the best mags you could do yerself the favor of reading.

finally got around to seeing that abstract expressionists exhibition at the art museum, covering the american movement from the '50s to the '70s, from pollock to an attempted recreation of a sixties "happening." much can be said for the astonishing stuff by rothko and de kooning, people whose technique remained sober even when they themselves weren't. i stood around with a sketchbook and tried to learn some of the gestures and composition---at least as much as possible, being a maniac in trenchcoat amidst globs of people, slopping haywire lines on paper with a sharpie.

the very swank magazine LITERAL CHAOS is now out, and has not only a contribution from me, but a very swank bio. it costs like seven bucks. assumedly it will be at a store near you....being their first issue, i'm not sure if they have the nuts-n-bolts in order regarding distro. if you find a copy, they do desire feedback.

the same goes for my newest issue, speaking of which.

also, the very good, gracious and determined rob. inhuman in L.A. has the new issue of SACRIFICE out, and i recommend you eagerly await a snail-mailed copy as much as i do.

in the near-future, BINGE-N-PURGE and CRANKY YELLOW will have their grand re/openings together.

all sorts of wacktacular things happen to me, but i feel like chatting about other people, like the above-mentioned. of whom wacky things also seem to be happening, all good-wacky, all strange and punchdrunk fun. seems to be the case with everyone i ask "hey, what's new?".....the punchdrunk-fun-ness.

i've applied for a passport.

i have a lot more to say, but all urges point to not typing anymore. mm, so it goes.
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