Feb 11, 2009 15:41
I am not taking dad's side. He's an asshole. However, I refuse to support your leaving the house in the middle of the night, to go look at every single strip clubs parking lot within 50 miles... or driving to HIS side of town to walk into a bar you know he frequents.
When you call and ask who he gave the other tickets to... if i say "no" that doesnt automatically make that woman a mistress...
That woman, next to him was the bartender from that bar. you know her. dont ask me.
Dad has always been a very social man. he's a buisness man. he has no choice but to be social. If that person standing next to him was male would you start calling him gay? seriously.
just because he was talking to a woman does NOT mean he is boinking that woman...
you did this to me when i was in highschool. if i hugged ANY guy and you saw it "dont you have a boyfriend~!!"
... take a fucking pill mom...
and if i here this "We're still married" shit again... and then when i say "you married him in the first place"... the correct response to keep up with you're line of logic is NOT "he's not the same man i married." ... because that means you ARE NOT MARRIED and that WARRENTS A DIVORCE!!!!
and dont go on about how drunk he was in the bar... in any bar. he doesnt drink EVERY night, and at least he's being social. you sit at home and drink by yourself. then yell and bitch and scream at me when i come home.
... then complain to gramma about how i dont spend time with you..........
i.. fucking... wonder... why....
you are unhealthy. and if it were up to me you would be in a mental hospital.....
the only reason you are getting away with fallowing him around is because you are still married!!! otherwise it would be called STALKING!!!! which is ILEGAL!!!
stop it...