kissing jewish cats.

May 03, 2004 18:33

After questioning my reasoning and analyzing my daily motivation to rise from my ever so comfortable bed, I laughed in the face of inertia and rose. having no time for a shower i brushed my teeth, washed myface, and walked downstairs and almost into the doings of my family's beloved feline, a domestic purging rodent named Ted. His barf was strange. entirely intact pieces of kibble lay on the floor andso in spite and convenience i threw Ted's barf into the closest non-porous object.. his dish. we were out of cat food (by the way) andso i figured i was killing two birds with one stone (as they say). When i came home it was gone. he ate his own puke which is gross andso I almost threw up... but didn't because i'm not a cat with digestive problems.

Other than that, not a lot has happened lately. I've been trying to learn Sinhalese and this has occupied most of my blogging time. I painted a portrait of matthew (matthew is the name given to my brother)to give to Ashley broadbent who wanted paintings to exhibit somewhere....i'm not sure where though and kind of regret not having asked her.
I've also been preaching a lot lately... mostly about Aaron's role in the bible. If you're unaware of the absolute importance of aaron in preserving the jews i will enlighten you:
"And so aaron did helpith moses splittith the red sea and in turn helpith the jews attainith their freedom" .. this perfectly unchanged directly copied quotation was derived, unaltered, from the pen of an israelite who witnessed the event firsthand and felt it necessary to include my.. i mean "aaron's" place in the bible.....please appreciate the effect aaron had on jewish history.. To be honest with you, jesus did very little in comparison. If hitler was a villain then aaron was a hero.
And i'm not questioning hitler's villainy.. just creating effect through contrast...i'm not a hitler lover... i'm a jew lover...that's why i helped free them.

in comnclusion, i love cats and do not feed them their own vomit for myown amusement; "andso" IS one word, and i love all of humanity and would free the jews again if the opportunity came up.
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