Jan 18, 2009 00:31
So I just wrote a private entry to myself, and I thought "Hey, how about I share with my nonexistent friends for once?" I actually do that a lot, write private entries to myself on here that is. Yes, I still write on LJ. Not extensively, ive posted maybe 2 or 3 since my last post like a year ago. Actually I dont even know how long ago. But yeah. I dont make most of them public because I find that I am very guarded with parts of my life. Its not even that embarassing or anything, but part of it is how I am embarassed that I have some actual factual goals in life, but as easy as it would be to make progress on them, I have not. So I berate myself on here in the hopes that reading it here would be more motivational than the quiet voice inside my head. It isn't.
By nonexistent friends I meant that nobody is on here anymore. I still consider them friends though, even if I havent seen or talked to most of them almost since my last post. It would be cool if we revived our little community here again. Alas, an impossible task. People would have to care for that to happen. About one another, about writing in their LJ regularly, about receiving feedback from others. And I think, like me, most people have discovered that their daily lives have become too mundane to write about, yet their personal business has become wayyy too private to just lay out there where everyone can see. I see that my sister will post occasionally, but other than that, over the past few months there has been nothing on my friends page, other than the occasional cryptic post that I feel like a dbag for even thinking to inquire about, especially because I would probably have some idea what it meant if I kept in touch. But then I find I dont give a shit, which is bad. Just like we all prophesized, as we grow older our social lives grow narrower, and the people we care about fewer. Dont get me wrong, I still care about everybody I ever considered myself friends with. But the feelings of connection are just no longer there. I feel little need to see most of them, but it would be fantastic if I did happen to meet up with an old friend accidentally. Oh how terrible that sounded, just before graduation, never wanting to let go, and never wanting to believe the strong ties we felt with our classmates might ever be forgot. But it happened. Some ties I still feel, but even some of those grow weaker as I write. But new such bonds have formed. For me, I have lost many and only gained one or two back. Fortunately the few friends I have, that you have too, are better than the ones we all had before. And thats just how it is. Imagine ten years from now. Your set of close friends will be completely different most likely, but those friends will be even better than the ones you had before.
Well I dont know how I got on that topic, but I think I'll leave that thought half finished. Its time to move onto something else tonight, most likely sleep. Goodnight.
Love, Danny