Aug 01, 2007 22:53
So I got the urge to post. To vent. To write. No particular reason either. I always say I need to wrote more, whether it is just writing in here or writing a story or whatever. Havent written in here seriously in a while. Well, neither has anybody else.
Ugh, so ive been depressed and stressed and there is no reason because for the most part things are going well. I just kinda cycle through depression on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis of varying degrees.Havent seen some people in a while. Whats up with that? Well I know. Ive had class. I got a D in my english class. It sucks because it was really easy and I shoudnt have gotten less than a B but I flaked. I think I can convince the teacher to give me a C though. I need to study for my stat final tomorrow. I need an A on the final to get a B. Im not too worried. I will probably settle for a C rather than kill myself studying. This is depressing because once again, it is one of the easiest classes I have ever taken. Im jsut not cut out for school, as I have been saying for the past 2 years. The problem is I cant figure out what to do instead of school, so I stick with the easy option. I wish I felt careless, but I only feel the need to "get college over with" which is stupid. I should take some time off. I have my whole life ahead of me, but I feel like my life ends with my youth, which is soon. irrational.
Whats something cool, a cool job or anything, that youve heard of, that I can do instead of school? I have a couple ideas, but those ideas are limited to the scope of my own imagination, and I'd like to broaden the spectrum.
I wrote something else but it doesnt feel right talking about it.