What summer's all about...

Feb 17, 2007 21:25

So yesterday, after I had my orientation session about getting permission to work and what not, I had a meeting with my academic advisor about what classes I should take. I must say that there are a lot of classes within the Education stream, that just don't really make sense, at least to me. There weren't that many classes that looked all that interesting to me unfortunetly, or maybe I should say there aren't that many classes that look like the would be helpful. However, there were several classes in other streams that looked like they would go a long with what I want to do much better. My advisor said it was possible to take classes from a different stream, so long as I had permission. Hopefully I will be able to get that. After that Cam and Josh came to pick me up and we went over to Cam's house for the evening. Basically we just hung out all night and had some drinks. Throughout the evening I had a whole bottle of wine, which actually didn't really get me drunk, probably because it was spanned out through the entire evening (between like 5pm and 3am). But even though I didn't really feel drunk, I woke up with a slight hangover, but nothing some food and some water couldn't cure.

Today was what a summer day is supposed to be. In the morning (and when I say morning I mean more like noon-thrity) Cam and Josh and Kai went for a little swim in Cam's pool. I didn't have a suit so I didn't go. When Kai went down for his nap, Cam took me to Target so I could get a suit and go swimming, he also had to get some computer stuff. When we got back Kai was up from his nap so we all went swimming and hung out around the pool for the rest of the afternoon. It was fantastic. We ordered pizza for dinner, Domino's, but not really Domino's. Crazy Aussies... The evening, I'm sure is far from over, even though I'm dead tired. Chantel, the professional pool player I met a couple of days ago, is supposedly coming over, hopefully she will, save me from the boys :) Other than that I'm sure the rest of the evening will be spent sitting on Cam's porch, hanging out. You know, the usual. It's nice to have a usual already, even if the people have changed. Have a nice day everyone!
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