Guess who hasn't been reading as much as usual, and in consequence is
sixteen books behind on her goal? And guess who let herself get two whole months behind in writing up monthly booklists? I guess traveling and renfairing took up more spare time than I realized. Or maybe I should have avoided the Outlander re-read and stuck to shorter books. Sigh. It's a hard life.
Without further apology:
1. Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins
Reread, obviously. The ending still comes as a punch in the gut, and I still think it's the only real ending this series could have had. War isn't pretty and death doesn't spare the innocent.
2. The Goldfinch, Donna Tartt
Decided to read this because of the setting (mostly Manhattan) but the beautiful writing and the fun of going "I know that building! I've walked along that street! I've shopped in that market!" didn't make up for my intense dislike of reading about characters who spend huge swathes of their life in a drug-and-alcohol induced stupor. It's not at all a bad book, the premise is interesting and the ending hopeful - I just didn't like it. (And Nancy Pearl agrees with me, so there. We talked about this when I met her shortly after finishing it.)
3. The Fiery Cross, Diana Gabaldon
<3 Jamie <3 (so coherent)
4. A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows, Diana Gabaldon
THIS CHANGES SO MANY THINGS. I can't say more, cos spoilers.
5. How Architecture Works, Witold Rybczynski
Though I can't pronounce his name, Rybczynski is my current favorite writer on the subject of architecture. He has a real knack for presenting information in a clear and engaging manner, and his passion for the subject shows through every line.
6. Doctor Who: celebrating 50 years, a history, Alan Kistler
Can we just pause for a moment and dream about how the world would be different if Eccleston had gotten a second season? I mean yeah, we all know Tennant is my favorite, but Eccleston is the one who brought back the Doctor to a modern audience, and I don't think he gets nearly enough credit. Also, leather jacket.
This book (quite rightly) spends the most time on Old Who. While I would have liked more dirt on New Who, I've seen very little of the old show, so this really deepened my understanding of the Doctor Who universe.
7. Witches Abroad
8. Wyrd Sisters
9. Maskerade, Terry Pratchett
This wasn't at all what I intended to be my traveling reading, but hey, Pratchett is perfect for those New York subway rides. Funny, engaging, easy to pick up where ever I left off the time before. And the witches books are still my favorite. You can't get better than Granny and Nanny's friendship.
10. Linchpin, Seth Godin
Read this on the plane. It annoyed me for reasons I can't fully remember. Mostly I think because it was full of vague declarations of greatness and rather short on practical details on how to actually accomplish anything.
(interestingly, I read more in April while traveling to TX and NYC than I did in May, when I spend weekends at faire/editing pictures from faire. I don't know either.)
1. A Breath of Snow and Ashes, Diana Gabaldon
I think my favorite bits of this series, barring the parts set in Scotland, are when Jamie and Claire are settled on Frasers Ridge, living a (mostly) ordinary life - I love seeing Jaime as quasi-laird, and Claire attending to mundane details of kitchen, garden, and surgery. And of course, Roger and Bree and Jem. It always makes me sad to see them leave the Ridge, and especially to see Claire's slowly-gathered medical supplies gone.
2. Wintersmith, Terry Pratchett
Tiffany Aching, man. So much wisdom in these books "for kids."
3. An Echo in the Bone, Diana Gabaldon
And the great Outlander Reread is complete! I remembered the ending of this book having much more emotional impact the first time I read it, so I was a little thrown at how different it seemed this time. And yes, the amount of drama in this book is bordering on ridiculous. At this point, I don't even care.
4. Jesus Feminist, Sarah Bessey
Still processing on this one; may have some quotes to share later. I don't disagree, just working on how to reconcile that with my past.
5. Notes from the Internet Apocalypse, Wayne Gladstone
Such a clever idea (the internet has mysteriously vanished; internet zombies resort to acting out the web irl by talking in 140 character sentences, forcing cats to do tricks for entertainment, and forming Reddit groups) marred by unnecessary crudeness. Ya'll know I'm no prude, but this was just grating and unpleasant.