'Kay, so. Gods have certain powers in AGverse, and this will affect how Horus plays with other characters. The last paragraph of
this post describes the abilities in question, but I'll summarize them here:
For other gods/mythical creatures/folk heroes/etc: AG gods are able to pick out others of their kind and, arguably, certain things about their powers/aspects/etc. without having to ask. HOW MUCH SHOULD HORUS BE ABLE TO AUTOMATICALLY KNOW ABOUT YOU? Specifically, in regards to being in/from mythology, legends, beliefs, etc. Or. May he be able to do this to your character in camp? If he can't, we can just blame alternate world incompatibility, so it's no big if you're not comfortable with it |D
For characters who aren't myffic: AG gods can pick your brain and also make you do/think/want things you normally wouldn't WITHOUT NOTICING. As you can probably tell, this is a bit of a (aha) godmode-y ability. THEREFORE. The make-you-do-stuff I will ask directly if there ever comes a situation where Horus would want to use it, and I will try to avoid letting those come up. And I will try to adhere to the note-to-psychics stuff in the permissions meme when it comes to brainpicking. BUT IF YOU WANT TO TELL ME HERE ANYWAY, IT'D BE NICE 'cause then it'd all be in one place |D
ETA: FOR THE GODNESS POLL it's more about what's believed than about specific powers. So, if a character is SUPAR MAGICAL but in a way that has nothing to do with any mythologies at all, then they won't ping as anything but a normal human. If your character has no supernatural powers WHATSOEVER but is still based on some dude from a legend or folk myth, then they're likely still gonna ping. It's uh yeah XD