OOC Information;
Name; Waku
Personal Journal wakuseino
Contact; email: Wakuseino@gmail.com
AIM: wakuseino
Other Characters; The game hasn't even started. I am noone.
IC Information;
Character Name; Ayumi Shinozaki
Canon; Corpse Party: Blood Covered - Repeated Fear. Or just Corpse Party.
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VisualNovel/CorpsePartyCanon Point; Post-game, True End
Age; 17
House; Freyr
Power; Drawing Life
Ayumi is, fundamentally, a good person. She'll do her best to do the right thing even if it goes against her own desires, even on significant issues. When she inevitably gets dragged into the hell-universe the story takes place in, her first priority is her friends, first and foremost. Later on in the story, she ends up helping the resident ghosts rest in peace, even while refusing to forgive them for the whole "murdering dozens of people" thing. At the same time however, while she's willing to literally jump into hell head first for her friends, she's also extremely harsh and judgmental towards them. The most notable victim here is Yoshiki, who would basically do anything for her, but gets misunderstood by Ayumi no matter what he does, resulting in a fair amount of friction between the two. This even includes doing things that by all rights should be obvious, like looking for a way out, which wound up resulting in Ayumi flying into a rage and accusing Yoshiki of being a coward who intends to abandon all their friends to die horribly.
Which brings us to our next point: Ayumi is extremely hot-blooded, and tends to jump into things without thinking. This often tends to work against her, since she also tends to blow things completely out of proportion and turn them into a much bigger thing than they actually are. This is especially noticeable in her interactions with her love rival Naomi, who Ayumi is convinced hates her in spite of there being no actual evidence of such a thing.
What this amounts to is, she does not handle stress well. Her immense lack of self-confidence means that her hot-bloodedness turns against her frequently. Once all the fighting is over and she calms herself down, she inevitably finds herself second-guessing everything she just said, inevitably causing her to feel worse about herself, fueling her own insecurities further.
When it comes down to it, Ayumi is only confident about two things: art, and the occult. Drawing has been stated to be her one true passion in life, and she's indicated to be an extremely talented artist, but she's also shown a great deal of showmanship. Her horror stories are legendary around the school she goes to, and she carries a hefty supply of candles so that she can burst into a horror story whenever inspiration strikes her. It also helps that she often encourages other people involved to act as ghosts, to add that extra bite to the horror stories.
Which brings us to her... complicated relationship with the occult. While she happily weaves stories of ghosts and monsters, and is always happy when they scare people, a lot of the occult stuff makes her seriously uncomfortable. The primary reason for her delving into the occult primarily comes from the fact that the majority of her role models are practitioners of the occult, particularly a girl the same age as her named Naho. Ayumi idolized Naho as a sort of idealized version of herself, what she could be given enough effort, and Ayumi's stated goal in life is to illustrate one of Naho's novels. Due to the strong, willful people surrounding Ayumi's interest in the occult, she largely associates the occult with being powerful mentally. That being said, Ayumi has a very different take on the occult from them: Ayumi considers her involvement in the occult more of an exercise in creativity than anything else, mixing research and imagination to create something that seems like it could happen. At the same time, the fact that she has to make key details up helps her reaffirm that the horror stories she thinks up aren't real, which also helps her deal with her own fear of the occult.
Network Sample;
[And the video appears to be in a bedroom, with Ayumi holding a single candle.]
So, is anyone still awake at this time of night? A thought just hit me: This is the perfect time for a nice horror story. So, if anyone's interested, I've put together something special for tonight. It'll be some good preparation for what might happen around here.
[And with that, she lights the candle and turns off the lights before continuing.]
So, I trust everyone's heard about the bracelets already? How they're the only thing protecting you from turning grey and losing yourself like everyone else here? Well, it goes without saying that we weren't the first people brought here like that. "So what happened to them" you might ask? Well, their bracelets broke. The bracelets weren't made perfectly on the first try, after all, and those poor unfortunate souls that came before us? They're still here, in town. Trapped here forever, having lost most of their identity.
There's one thing they still remember, though: the bracelet is their salvation. If only they had a bracelet, they would be themselves again...
And so, they stalk the city, running on half-forgotten memories, searching aimlessly for it: A bracelet. Any one will do, as long as it's one of ours. They'll do whatever they can to take away a bracelet, to steal their lives back. Let me ask you: Do you think you're safe in this city? Anywhere in this city? These houses may be safe, but once you step out there at night, there is nothing protecting you from them. Keep your guard up and your bracelet safe, or you might be joining them...
[And with that she blows the candle out and ends things... Though ten minutes later, another post starts up, with the lights on and Ayumi beaming.]
So? What did everyone think? It's not bad for having come up with it in a day, right? This thing really doesn't give off the same effect as being in the room with everyone, though.
Log Sample;
Ayumi bit her thumb lightly as she looked over the website, looking over the artist's new submissions. This was part of her daily routine - looking over her 10 artists to aspire to both reminded her of how far she had to go to be considered a true artist, and gave her an opportunity to try and identify the methods used to draw it, helping to improve her own art. She had already gone through the others, and this was the last one to look through before she was done.
"Ah! This one's cute! Let's see, it's made like this, right?"
She talked to herself as she attempted a quick sketch, trying to match the style as closely as possible for the time being. With the sketch done, she compared the two, criticizing her work:
"Mmm... It's cute, but..."
The two weren't really worth comparing. She attempted a few more sketches in that style, but after half an hour, she gave up for the time being, turning her focus to the next part of her routine: Naho's blog.
It hadn't been updated for a while now, but Ayumi still made an effort to check it daily, and scrolling through the comments on the last post, it looked like the rumors of Naho disappearing were as strong as ever. Still, Naho was the type to update sporadically, so it was probably nothing. With that in mind, Ayumi once again read the lastest blog post. It was about the Sachiko charm, a friendship charm Naho thought up. Ayumi wasn't really interested in that section of the occult, but it was also true that one of her friends was transferring out of school today, and that girl loved these sort of charms, so Ayumi contemplated a moment before printing it off.