Character: Captain Jack Harkness
Fandom: Torchwood and a little bit of Farscape for the aliens
Rating: Work Safe
Word Count: 443
Prompt: Wicked Witch or no Wicked Witch, guards or no guards, I'll tear them apart. I may not come out alive, but I'm going in there... Lion for
scifi_muses Things were so much simpler before they came into my life. Caring only about me and having a ball screwing anyone who interested me. By that I mean all three kinds of screwing - with, over and around. But they’d ruined all of that, making me give a damn about people. I liked it better before. Of course before Rose and the Doctor I could die too.
Rain was pouring down, sending a chill down into my bones. It was going to take a few years of hot baths to get warm again or a lot of snuggling. Then again snuggling in the bathtub could be fun too.
“Jack!” Owen poked me in the side with an elbow. It should have hurt, but all I felt was the icy touch of the dead. “Are you in there?”
“Yes, I’m in here.” Gritting my teeth, I turned to look at him. “I liked you better when you were a zombie, Owen.”
“You never liked me at all. If that was me in there, would you be out here?”
I watched as half a dozen Scarran troops tromped by their boots splashing in the puddles while the rain steamed on their scorching skin. “You’re wrong, Owen. I would have come for you if I could have.”
“Ah but you didn’t say you liked me.”
“This isn’t the time for you to get an ego stroke, Owen. Ianto and Gwen are in there, and they need me.”
“They’ll burn you alive, Jack. Trust me, it’s not a good way to go.”
“I know that.” I grabbed the fender of the truck I was hiding behind. The paint had been blistered and peeled away by the intense heat of a Scarran heat ray. Hopefully my skin wouldn’t suffer the same fate. “I’ve been burned before, Owen. Now go haunt someone who isn’t about to face a battalion of evil aliens who are here to take over the earth.”
Picking up a rifle from a fallen member of UNIT, I dodged between another pair of burned out vehicles. My target was simple. I had to get to the door. My friends were behind that door, and it didn’t matter how many of the ugly things were trying to stop me. A blast of heat, stinking of raw meat hit near my shoulder as I reached for the door. The skin on the back of my hand peeled back, and I had to grit my teeth not to scream.
“Advanced civilization,” I snarled as I turned and shot in one easy motion. The bullet caught the Scarran right between the beady eyes. “You’d think you’d learn about proper dental hygiene.”