(no subject)

Jun 09, 2011 01:59

nothin important but you can check it out for yourself if you'd like

INTRO; Your name is NEIL ALLAWAY, a mighty masculine name. And you have a fondness for HERDING ANIMALS, most notably ADORABLE, FLUFFY SHEEP. But you would love to herd a FLOCK OF WILD HAGGIS. You haven’t had much luck in finding these legendary beasts, but maybe tonight will be the night you find your fierce gaggle of wild haggis.

You are also part of a very noble practice known as the STUDENT COUNCIL at your school, perhaps out of fondness to your herding duties. It fills you with pride and joy to care for the students of your local community. One even may suggest that you enjoy herding the students like lost lambs. You just simply cannot help yourself when it comes to herding packs of animals, be they animals at the zoo or animals in the school.

Irrelevant to your hobby of assembling the populace, you secretly love to COOK meals from your distant fatherland. Meals that you enjoy with your EVER FAITHFUL GUARDIAN, Scottie.

Scottie has been in the family for generations and has always been there for you. She has helped raised you since you were a wee petite baby. And she too enjoys herding flocks of sheep in your quiet country farmland which is just BRIMMING WITH SHEEP. The two of you are just UP TO YOUR KNEES in sheep. Because of this, you own a very large and open farmland. Though the two of you have a small cottage up on the highest hill (to oversee the sheep), you mostly live alone. Mostly, because sometimes it will be days before you see your guardian, who is off on the job. A job which includes BARKING at sheep, HERDING the sheep, and GUARDING the sheep.

But it’s okay that you sometimes live by yourself! You are a very hardy person and able to handle the challenges of the home flock yourself!

Now… what will you do?

You have to keep an eye on your cards or they will get mix up. If this happens, you have to herd your cards back together and organize them.

Full Name: Neil Allaway
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Chumhandle: plaidShepherd
Quirk: Herding the same letters together in brackets . Like; sh(ee)p or te(ll).
Font color: orange
Guardian: Scottie the Scottish Terrier in a kilt.
Title: Thane of Freedom
Level: 1
Boonbucks: 0
Species: Human

Mangrit (MGT): 12
Acumen (ACU): 16
Imagination (IMG): 10
Pulchritude (PUL): 18

ACU (3) - Acrobatics: +3
MGT (1) - Athletics: +9 (Trainedx2)
PUL (4) - Chumming: +4
PUL (4) - Insight: +4
ACU (3) - Mysteries: +3
IMG (0) - Perception: +0
IMG (0) - Science: +0
IMG (0) - Skaian Lore: +0
ACU (3) - Stealth: +4 (Human Bonus)
PUL (4) - Trolling: +8 (Trained)

HP: 30
HP per level: +6
AC: +18 (Auto-Parry)
Right Handed
Fortitude: +13
Reflex: +15
Will: +16
Speed: +6
Initiative: +4
Resistance: +0

Kind Abstratus: Axekind
Category: Crushing
Range: Melee
Precision: +2
Damage: 1d10
Stat: Pulchritude
Auto-Parry: yes


Never Let Them See You Falter - You gain a +2 bonus on the roll to confirm a Brutal Affront if
your original roll would have failed the skill or missed the target.

'Lucky' Fall - You never take falling damage, regardless of distance. You may still end
up prone on a failed Acrobatics check.

Unfettered - Whenever you are slowed or immobilized by an attack or effect, you may
make an immediate saving throw. If you pass the saving throw you are no longer affected
by the slow or immobilize condition, though any other effects still apply.


Basic Aggrievement
Standard action - At-Will Melee-kind
Target: One creature
Attack: Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1(W) + Plc modfier+ your level damage.

Be “the One”
Standard action - Encounter Close Burst 1 (Meleekind)
Target: Each enemy you can see in burst
Attack: Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + your level damage, and the target canʼt shift or
make opportunity attacks until the end of your next turn.

Chasing My Shadow
Standard action - At-will Melee-kind
Target: One creature
Attack: Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Plc modifier + your level damage, and you shift 1
space and pull the target into the space you just left.
Effect: Before or after the attack, you may shift 1 space.
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