So, my week definitely picked up yesterday. At like 1 in the morning (yesterday) my mom and I had a really long, but good talk about are issues with each other, and sort of resolved stuff. That was good, and then she let me sleep in until 9 the next morning so that I wouldn't be tired. Fun, fun, fun.
Here's a recap of my day:
There was a girl named Ana, who liked painting sets
She also like painting regular pictures
She was in a play called Cinderella, and memorized all of her lines (anyone who saw the play will understand that). Afterward, Brian and Lindsay chatted. Isn't that eye makeup impressive?
We thought, "Oh well, that's it." But no, Kelsey had a plan
Cast Party II (Actually, cast party 3, but no one came to the first cast party 2, so it doesn't count). Brian, Kevin and Spencer were appreciative--thanks Kelsey
Always fun in the treehouse with the king and the horse's ass(just look at that hair!)
Crazy crazy girls:
Laura, Laura, Laura
Brian is a PIMP.What is with all this pointing?
All and all, it was good fun. To top it all off, I got into Goats. Even more drama fun. (Could I be any more of a drama nerd? No, I don't think so.)
Anyone who wasn't there, you missed out, anyone who was, see you next time. Drama class, I love you all.
In conclusion