Dec 29, 2007 22:14
So I went to church this afternoon after getting a new phone... that didn't carry over any phone numbers.
$100 later God was talking to me.
"looking Forward to a new year" was the message theme and these were the words of advice I was given:
Let Go of Your Worries.
-Truthfully I am good at this, a put a lot of trust in God, which is why i am miffed by my life. In fact just last night I let go of my relationship with my husband, my living situation and everything that has been yolking me. I woke up this morning to find out Mr. P is changing up my expectations about the future.
Adjust Your Expectations.
Perfect, I was expecting some things to happen, but now, I am just going to have to trust that things will work out as they should, either a miracle full of radiant glory is on its way, or maybe a new shining man is on His way. Either way I should be set. (btw my manager keeps getting hotter...)
(Expect the best~realize god works even in the worst~focus on teh greatest)
Take a Step of Faith.
I listened to all the words the man said with my eyes closed to listen to what moved my heat. The only thing that touched me was "keep your promises". I wonder if this refers to the promise I made on 11-13-05... I guess god will let me know. Then later he said something about commitment and that ripped me too... I am so ready to just turn my back and say that "this was the last straw" but sometimes that just my v talking and sometimes i need to keep up my hope. I don't know what the future holds.
Hold on to God's Love.
This was a struggle the past few days, i keep feeling like I am alone and he isn't watching these things happen, but I know better deep down, I just don't like that he throws so much at me sometimes. I mean, I AM wonderwoman, and I am stronger than you would believe bc Mind Over Matter's What Matters... I mean damn I wish I hadn't cursed this mf a few days ago.
whatever happens next year, 2007 was ok, ups downs good. a few attempts a few days I really enjoied, a few nights i prayed for assention.. but I know next year is going to be new. I can't say easier, I can't say better, but I pray sooo hard that things come together Finally. I need some extra clarity, and a few days of sleep.
and tyo think a year ago I was in work release. Damn a year goes by.