Jun 07, 2005 18:44
Took a nap today. Had 45 min of sleep night before.
I was with a group of people. We were trying to discreetly infiltrate Andretti Raceway, except it looked like something else. Something full of people with a movie theatre snack counter.
We needed to get into certian places within the compound because they could take us somewhere else.
I was with JP from creative energies, but he was like JP mixed with Karl somehow. He was taking me to all these doors and nooks that i'd go in for awhile. I have different images of him leading me to places.
He took me to a coffin-sized nook partway up the wall with a little rectangular door at the end. I had to crawl in there headfirst, with my face down. My elbows were brushing cobwebs. I started singing that Partridge song "I think i love you" and i needed to relax so that the little place could take me somewhere. I don't know where but it was supposed to take me somewhere else, somewhere safer i think. I couldn't relax because the space was oppressively narrow but more because of the cobwebs at my elbows i think. And maybe something else. I was tense as all hell.
It was like trying to fall asleep but knowing you need to so it's harder.
My cell phone rang and woke me up.