Jan 23, 2005 02:12
only i can get out of bad at 2 am and be very mad for no appernt reason. at least not one that i see. im sure if i sit her and think it out ill figure it out. op i got it. :is quite mad:
this isnt why im mad but it will get my mind off why im mad.
seems im on another deadline. rfl. they make me laugh. this is a long one. i get a mounth this time. last time it was by christmas. but i was leaving in two days for NY so i really only had one day. they make me laugh. which causes the deadlinemakers to be annoyed, but they never hold to it. (this is working as a great distraction.) it makes me laugh ^-^. i suppose its because i always know that this deadline though fallowed by threats and stuff means nothing. they never mean the threats. i really have less than a mounth but the deadlinemakers have never been to quick to count. to be exact i have 11 days. YAY ONLY 11 DAYS! that meannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns :yay: 11 days till retreat. im thrilled by that. ::gets mad again and goes back to distracting herself:: i love to think about this when im bored lol. and when im not bored but when im bored it makes me happy.
im such a emotional roller coaster lol. it makes me laugh at myself sometimes. like at 2:30 in the morning when you think everything is hilairous. but i have made an important decision! when i am an old lady im gonna have really cool hair. like hott pink and blue and stuff. im not really as tierd any more. i got up to right my news leter but i cant think of the nae of this song that i want in there so i have decided to write. it goes something like *ive been invited to come and belive the unbeliveable consive the inconsiveable and *something something* beyonde my wildest imaginantion LORD I COME WITH GREAT EXSPECTATIONS*
im a bit caught up right now. i have been the last few days. but its in a good way. lol. more goodnews. i've been feeling like i am going to pass out the last fewdays because now that im better my body is like being attacked. and i just prayed about it and as soon as i prayed i felt soo much better. that song is like my anthom. we've all gotten the invataion, to worship an Awesome God (ie my newspapers name =D ) and i feel almost like ive acepted it all over again. =D. i love god lol. aj asked me something the other day it made me laugh. we were trying to think of something i can go to collage and study and he goes "what do you like?" and quickly adds "that is a subject in school" lol. he loves that im a jesus freak =P. im going to type some stuff from a book soon. i folded the pages over =). i dont know what it is about the left behind books that get me so fired up. i guess just people non stop spreading the word. man i wish a lot that was something i could do for a living lol. well im gonna go read =) night... sortttttta. i love my parents "who else is possibly online that late" as theres still like 40 people signed on.