i n s a n e .

May 29, 2006 22:57

my memorial day weekend:
friday- friday's with liz.
saturday- jam on the river. went with becca and saw schenk, jared, lenz, brenner, steve, tabas, firestone. i really enjoyed hearing the music of the benevento/russo duo (aka the duo), the new deal, and the disco biscuits (otherwise referred to as the biscos). quite frankly, i love hippies.
sunday- avalon and then becca's house to see melissa and jill. it was quite an interesting night. we watched a hilarious movie called waiting...
"Customer #1: It's too bad Chlamydia has to be a venereal disease. It's such a pleasant-sounding word.
Customer #2: Chlamydia?
Customer #1: Chlamydia.
Customer #2: Chlamydia. I think I might name my daughter Chlamydia."
today- dinner with melichky, tuttie, and the roths.
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