Jul 10, 2009 17:30
I have now put flyers through pretty much every letterbox in North Oxford. Everything starts to look like a letterbox actually. I stayed an extra night with Man to help out- genuinely being selfless although, I know, such a chore to spend more time with him. But no, holy hell, there is A LOT of Oxford and the populus will be pretty sick of my lowering expression on that bloody flyer within the week.
Runthroughs are going kinda well. Although the night we all thought it was uninspired, directors liked it and next night when we were all into it, Alex said it was a bit "soggy" overall. Sod's law I guess.
I love some of the comments that come out of it. At one point Alex and Sue, going over their notes, turned to the cast round a seperate table and, utterly serious enquired, "Ben, have you rechoreographed grabbing Ailsa's boob?" LOL My boyfriend pimps me out for his plays. He informed us solemnly the other day, "Guys, there are going to have to be open mouths."
Yesterday, Man and I were knackered after flyering and curled up one over the other in the car, fell asleep for a while before going into talk to Tim about music for the play, what he plays when etc And Tim's parents came in and offered to feed us! Out of the blue! Felt like such a hobo but Alex and I just looked at each other and said "Yes, please!" We're impoverished actors already. Day before that we literally had a sandwich from a Tesco and 3 doughnuts each. Ahh, classy diet.
Backrubs followed by naughtiness= excellent. Alex and I are staying in a guest house (aahhhhh memories, I love that it's in a B&B we got together, it always makes us laugh) Mon to Tues, literally one street away from the theatre which is ZOMG so handy. We've been in about a dozen rehearsal venues during these 4 weeks, which always changes the play in small ways; someone always ends up standing in the wrong place. Usually me. Alex wandered into a scene while I was talking at one point and actually manhandled me into position.
But, have been getting so into scenes lately that I've been reduced to tears, and my death is pretty horrible too so, things looking up. There is a scene where I literally get beaten up, it's quite frightening.
acting & theatre,
love & sex,
tis pity she's a whore