Feb 07, 2009 20:05
OK, I don't watch that much TV but the BBC are now cancelling dramas such as Larkrise to Candleford and The Royal in favour of reality TV. I mean, I really don't watch a lot of TV but SERIOUSLY? I'm not saying soap operas and reality TV doesn't have their place, they're obvs incredibly popular but what about the likes of Frank Cottrell Boyce's "God on Trial" or Poliakoff's "Joe's Palace"? TV was revolutionised by Jack Rosenthal in the 80s when he just churned out these amazing 1 hour dramas/comedies like "Eskimo Day" or "Bar Mitzvah Boy."
We're breeding a generation of kids who won't know anything but to TALK ABOUT THEIR FUCKING FEELINGS. This is why I cannot stand Skins. It is making kids believe that the only meaningful things in life are sex and partying. Or Twue Lurve. No, I was as soft as anyone when Latika asks Jamal in Slumdog Millionaire, "What'll we live on?" and he answers "Love." That's adorable. But again, it somehow reduces hard work, friendship, creativity to just...stuff to pass the time.
"I've always had feelings for you", "What does your heart say?" I know, now I'm sounding like an evil Santa come to ruin Christmas but...there is so much more! TV and popular literature at the mo seems to suggest your teenage years are like SOOOO important and all your life choices MUST be made between ages of 14-18 or...I don't know, you get oooold and can't think straight anymore. Or you get married and thus are beyond soap opera territory. It makes me really sad and I can't watch Skins because I just think "Go out and get a life!" The characters are permitted one known trait- one Skins character is allowed skateboarding. Big woop.
Don't even get me into promoting a- what is she? Effy? 16? 17? as a sex object. And seeing my young friends (12-15, say) loading albums onto Facebook with a hundred pictures of themselves standing around in their underwear and pouting. We fucked up a generation into believing that if you're a guy you should be out clubbing or playing sports or composing a gritty guitar song about your epic life struggles or if you're a girl you're worthless without a boyfriend and while you are allowed to get jobs, you must still be into shoes and not be too clever. Because you don't need to be clever if you're beautiful.
THERE YOU GO, THAT'S MY FEELINGS. You know keeping the odd secret is also kinda sexy. We also went through a big thing in the 60s where guys realised that what is sexier is NOT seeing it; hence Brigette Bardot and her polo-neck jumperls. The same goes for FEEEEEELINGS. Shut up. Get some balls. There is more to life. Bake a cake. Learn a song. Don't talk to people about how you feel, develop a meaningful relationship first worth talking about. Get some friends and talk about politics or books or a great recipe or what everyone wants to do with their lives, don't just see your friends as outlet for gossip.
Cue the happy! Because it's still a happy day!
I want to take Kazz to Paris for a weekend (yeeeeah, dirty weekend, baby) because I really miss the place and I could let her do all the talking for me with her flawless grammar. You know, I'm genuinely going to do it, I bloody love that city.
drugs & booze,
france etc,
bad temper & sad temper,
good causes,