Apr 17, 2005 21:28
Science Olympiad meeting: Tuesday from 6:30-8:30. Schisler's room.
Do whatever you can to be there. Especially if you haven't done the following:
1. returned permission slip
2. Returned driver insurance information
3. signed the code of ethics sheet
4. signed the 2 thank-yous for our money
5. self scheduled times
6. Picked up a cd or materials from me (I finally got the sci oly stuff in...I have event study guides for EVERYTHING on these cd's)
7. Gave my your registration information
Here's the deal, these forms have to be at MSU by the 20th, so you need to come to a meeting and fill out your stuff.
Meeting #2: Wednesday from 6:30-8:30
Call me 529-6576 if you need a ride. You need to be at one of the meetings!! (You dont have to stay all night, just come in and grab your info) If you don't sign the sheets by the 20th, you CANNOT participate in the state competition.
See you all at the meetings!