Jan 24, 2004 13:36
last night i started talking to a magnet on the fridge... he kept telling me about how busy he's gonna be in this new year, as he's made many resolutions.
asked me what were mine... told him: my resolution for this year is not to have any. he kept trying to convince me how important it is to have some...
still can't help but thinking...what's the point?
you end up having this huge list of stuff that in a perfect world would be ideal, but in this one, no chances of even getting round to accomplish half.
and then december comes and again you punish yourself for not being a better person, still smoking cigarettes, not exercising enough, not having travelled as you had planned, still being skint...and the torture continues throughout january, which is when you actually make an effort to make up for all your failures... all bollocks!
by february all your resolutions will be lost in oblivion.
a day as it comes.