Aug 16, 2004 11:33
I cant get my mom to make a single doctors appt for my knee.
I have had a knee problem for 3yrs....not once has she taken me seriously about this.
But as soon as Naomi needs a dentist appt my mom runs out and makes her one, or its on the top of her list.
I think the only thing my mom took seriously for me, was when i had kidney stones and a kidnye infection, and when i got all my wisdom teeth pulled out!
This is fukkin annoyin. Matt and his girlfriend, and Naomi are always at the top of her list.....this is probably what she be sayin "shes had the knee problem for 3 ys, big deal, she will get over it!"
I asked her this morning if i could join the "feed the children" program, and all she did was laugh in my face, and told me to stop watchin tv.
I hate livin here, and i cant wait to get out on my own, and take care of myself!!!