There is nothing left to do but die

Aug 23, 2005 12:58

When i get motivated i turn into fucking george carlin. bitching about everything. but in a somewhat intellectual way.

i really find it hard to understand peoples action's
i can easily find ppl's motives but its not the motive that counts
its why they do the things they do that gets me.

what motivates someone who was happy as they could be
to take 2 steps back to go back in the trap they lived in before

what motivates people to critisize? it certainly isnt jelousy that's too much of a happy ending explaination.
its all something more, and my opinion to these questions are that people are just

like fucking lord, what the fuck is up with peoples brain's?? fucking millions of years of evoultion for this stupid species to rule the earth? fucking pathetic

for instance i have this reffy kid thats in my class that doesnt do Anything!
and he does it on purpose just so when the teacher tells him something he can say something clever
and laugh about it with his friends after she leaves.

fucking cleverness, the world's downfall right there.
being clever is something artificial, people work for it
in their minds they try to think of some smart little anecdote
to please people and keep up with the people with the real sense of humor.

life isnt funny, it isnt a joke i hate people who make stuff clever
just to ignore the fact that what goes on here is real, and your smart actions
and your selfish needs, arent ganna fucking do shit cause they aren't real.

who you lust for, who you want to fuck, who you hate, who u loathe, who you befriend
its all fake, all of it. the only thing real is yourself. cause thats the only person in this world thats ganna help yourself through it. but there are exceptions, there can always be one person there to help you trhough it. but people ignore that fact and just use that person as a tool for unreal superficial needs.

the person that you love is the only real person that is ganna help you through shit. but not in the way you think, its all in the head - do you really think just some person that you grow attached to is ganna help ya? well they won't, in reality the only one who is helping is yourself, and maybe if you have moral support from the person you care for it might make it just a little bit easier, but dont expect that person to fucking cure you completely, thats ignorant. cause love is fake just like god, it gives you false hope, and as long as you beleive in it, youll feel better about life.

but back to the point, nothing is ganna fucking help you!!
not your friends, not the hot chick you get to bang
not your family, not your dog, not anything.

we're all alone in this world deal with it, even when you care for someone you still have this empty feeling deep down, cause you cant look for completeness through others, we were all born complete we just have to find that truth inside of us. im a hypocrite for saying all this i guess, but i know its true and thats why i don't trip tooooo bad when i get screwed over. This whole suicide crap is stupid now that i think of it, everyone can self medicate themselves, through religion or through sexual acts or through drugs and alcohol, and thats why they were put on the earth, for weak fucks who cant live up to their own problems.
and im one of those weak fucks, but atleast i dont go screaming bloody mary when i get shit on by 1000 llama's.

so instead of using you cleverness to win back the girl you think you wont get tired of, or to entertain yourself through this shithole life that youve been brought to unwillingly, or to point out other people's flaws to make yourself feel better you could fucking be aintellegent human being. get your dicks and vaginas out of your heart, get your heart out of your mind, cause after all of this unreal shit you do is gone, its ganna be gone forever, and your ganna be alone, you worthless pieces of shit who deserve it anyway.

the only people who will ever be happy are those who dont give a fuck about anything that doesnt have to do with them, and a person that doesnt go through effort to do something when in the back of their mind its a stupid move. keep your eyes from roaming, the only thing you need to see is what is ahead of you, dont waste your time on going backwards or staying still and getting stuck in a never ending loop that most of the world is in.

without progress life is worth nothing.

so remember look forward, dont get me wrong, its ok to not give a fuck once in a while, and its good to check out some good poon tang. but don't let that petty shit get in the way of self improvement.

nobody better fucking take this personal, im just fucking rambling
so live with it.
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