again.... (server had died last night)

Aug 20, 2003 13:12

I am planning on going HOME to Texas in October
so I must sell as many pags as possible to get
my ticket home! Here are the latest ones im sewing
right noooow. So help me go home so i can watch Conan O Brien(!!!)
(the page theyre in is a t.e.m.p.o.r.a.r.y website, I am using
a free webhost so i can get sell some while the server is down)

these bags will end up looking like the one on the left.

bags bags bags

for more bags go for more bags go heeeeere! Just think that for
every bag you buy youre sending a homesick AnnaMull home!

(sorry it was posted twice but server died after posting last night)
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